आँख का आना ?

Conjunctivitis (आँख आना)

English ka pakauda paka diya ?

The Principal

Dear Sir,

Sub.: leave application for eye coming

I will  not come  as my  eyes have come. If I come with  my coming eyes then  your eyes  will come  & you will not come. But still if you  come with your  coming  eyes all office eyes  will come  & all  will not  come. So  I will  not come   and all  will  come.  I  will come  back  when  my  coming eyes  will  go & all will  come  without their eyes coming.

Yours  Sincerely

Nainsukh hansmukhi .
हा हा हा ।
( नैनसुख हंसमुखी )


लोकप्रिय पोस्ट